Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie (ANM) a emis o nouă avertizare Cod portocaliu de caniculă, valabilă pe parcursul acestei zile în cinci
Read MoreAgenția Națională pentru Protecția Mediului a cerut sprijinul Jandarmeriei Române și Direcției Rutiere, pentru prevenirea unor noi incidente pr
Read More Prim-ministrul Marcel Ciolacu a avut la data de 3 septembrie, la Palatul Victoria, o discuție cu caracter consultativ
Read MoreUkrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba has handed in his letter of resignation to the country’s parliament, its speaker said on Wednesday. Verk
Read MoreStefançuk, sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı açıklamada, Bakan Kuleba'dan istifa dilekçesi aldıklarını belirterek, istifanın bir sonraki gen
Read MoreNearly 118 million people in Africa will be exposed to severe climate change by 2030 if appropriate measures are not taken, according to a report by t
Read MorePope Francis on Tuesday began a four-nation tour starting with Indonesia, marking the longest trip of his pontificate so far.
Read MoreEuropean football giants have strengthened key areas with stars in a challenging market ahead of the summer transfer window, which shut last week.
Read MoreEuropean authorities have dismantled a criminal gang smuggling irregular migrants from Romania to Italy and arrested 19 suspects accused of transporti
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